3 Products
Silverback Wall mount Basketball Hoops - 54" NXT_ indoor basketball hoops 1
Silverback NXT 54 Wall Mount
54" Backboard
$399.95 $499.95
Wall Mounted Basketball Hoops - Silverback NXT Fixed Height Wall Mounted hoops - indoor wall mounted basketball hoops   _1
Silverback NXT 54 Fixed Height Wall Mount
54" Backboard
$349.95 $449.95

Are you trying to decide between purchasing a wall mounted basketball hoop or an inground basketball hoop? Let us help you choose between the two options here!

If you are lacking space in your driveway or backyard for an in-ground basketball hoop installation, wall-mounted basketball hoops are a great alternative. Wall mounted basketball goals help you save space and offer the same features as many in-ground basketball goals except they are mounted to a wall instead of installed into the ground. These Silverback wall mount basketball goals can be installed to any wall either indoor or outdoor and are perfect for garages, fitness centers, schools, camps, barns, and more. The basketball hoop comes partially assembled with attached hardware allowing you to assemble your basketball goal in 120 minutes or less. Mounting hardware is not included. Avoid attaching to any brick surface or facade.

Silverback offers two types of wall mounted basketball goals. Both of the basketball hoops feature a 54 inch polycarbonate backboard. The key difference in these two hoops is the height adjustment. The NXT 54 is height adjustable meaning you can easily raise and lower the basketball rim height. Actuating the basketball rim allows the basketball hoop to grow with your athlete.

The NXT 54 Fixed Height basketball hoop is not height adjustable. This is at a fixed height and can not be raised or lowered.

We currently offer two different versions of wall mounted basketball hoops. Choose between the Silverback NXT 54 wall mounted basketball goal that is height adjustable with an actuator and the Silverback NXT 54 Fixed Height wall mount basketball hoop which can not be raised or lowered in height.

If you need any additional help deciding between a basketball hoop, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team. They can walk you through all of the options we offer. You can also always reach out to your local basketball hoop dealer to discuss the different basketball goals they carry. This is a great way to sit down one on one with your local basketball retailer, learn about their latest sales and offerings, and get help with your basketball hoop installation. Get connected directly with them today by requesting a quote or a catalog. They are here to help you find the basketball goal right for your family.